

I am very lenient when it comes to really anything. So long as you are respectful and mindful of me as a person. respect my boundaries, and dont purposely go out of your way to be rude in some way. I am okay with more or less anything.


Nana is a character I have developed over 3 years and, is dear to me.Due note her backstory, has some serious themes to it. I have tagged it accordingly.


Not really a rule Just a heads up / / / Nana is a character I have developed over 5 years now and has recently moved on into original work I am currently creating. She began as a FFXIV WOL and now is inevitably making her way to being the main character of a comic I intend to write. Be mindful


NPC FFXIV INTERACTIONS if I do not know you. I will always default to platonic interactions regardless of who you roleplay. my only request is if you roleplay emet/hades that the relationship between my wol and him remains completely familia in nature. as in my story, My Azem and Hades are both brother and sister.if both characters love interestis g'raha tia. when roleplaying in universe. I will default to your wol being with g'raha.



We still struggle against the fear of being unarmed! The fear of being unarmed - keeps our frailty apart.
No one would be able to look down upon this world. So one is allowed to be born
― Oracle

full name Na'na Niall.
years old 21-30.
birthday 11/11.
gender Cis Female.
pronouns She/her.
orientation heterosexual.
species Mi'qote.
ethnicity Sun Keeper.
star sign menphina.
birthplace Coerthas highlands.
residence Ul'dah primarily.
position divinereader(cards),courtesan(typically excourtesan),darkknight, astrologian.
languages Common, Sun keeper

(which is spanish in my hc. FYI I am spanish speaking).

Every living soul in the fray striving for their own safe place Life is too long to end at a grave - regression

#* *personality.

Na'na Niall embodies an affable demeanor, displaying a tendency to reflect the traits of those she interacts with. This facade creates an impression of harmonizing well with everyone she encounters. At least initially. Upon meeting you she may assume a consistent default personality – one that is vibrant and rowdy. This often makes her come off as someone who is explicitly troublesome, or not to be taken seriously. This is a deliberate portrayal and merely a part of her strategy in masking her true nature under the veneer of someone you would easily want to overlook.However, the truth lies more in her inclination to blend seamlessly into a relationship with your presented self. In either case, it exemplifies her adaptability to the diverse array of individuals surrounding her. Making her at first seemingly estrange as a person, or overtly annoying in how she may appear as one kissing up to the world around her.There are evident issues that come from her personality being established this way. This malleability that allows her to mirror others, often leaves her with certain deficiencies. While the Miqo'te woman may excel at establishing amicable connections, leisurely without so much as batting an eye. It seems to come at the expense of being incapable of often forging more profound bonds. Her self-imposed habits of then isolating away from others. Not allowing anyone to know her, but knowing what she does of others. Inadvertently transform her into this mysterious confidante who knows the intricacies of your being, yet can not regale anything of her own.While emulating your personality, there are occasions when her authentic self inadvertently seeps through. These manifested moments often seem detach from the world, holding a stark directness, or unreserved candor. It becomes apparent that she occasionally grapples with a sense of self-uncertainty, yet adeptly feigns this deliberate facade for all to consume around her. Due to all this, she frequently finds herself wrestling with a sense of being misunderstood and estranged from those around her.This loneliness that was inevitably self built, out of protection for one self - the her that she doesn't seem to fully understand. Holding her hostage.Taken from Type 4 ennegram institute website; Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences. Read more here.Much of this personality hold substance during her formative years in her early twenties. This persona she developed seemed to be inextricably intertwined with this sense of becoming isolated. This mainly was due to the stresses she under went primarily during these ages. Na'na encountered a contradictory state of being, where she simultaneously felt disconnected from others yet profoundly immersed in their company. However, as she advances in age, specifically beyond twenty-five, Nana comes to terms with this divergence from her being unable to meet societal norms. In harnessing her unique experiences as tools of empowerment and defense, she begins to channel them in a way to provide assistance to others.A good way to perceive her, is as someone who typically serves as a guide in stories. Steering others through their journeys instead of being predestined as the hero. Yet, due to the world's critical state, the guide is compelled by the urgency of the situation to step into the role of the hero. This same urgency is one she has over looked and decided that it is not acceptable for any other person to take on, except herself. Fearing the hardships that are to come, would be far to arduous to carry.Na'na Niall embodies both ends of this wild spectrum of who she is for the world versus who she actually is. This often exposes unsettling and even dreadful facets of her being. Despite that, amidst the shadows and intricate mechanisms of her mind, beneath the veneer of the persona she presents always to those around her, but especially the world. Despite the hidden frigidity that can often keep others at bay, lies a profound empathy and adoration for everything she encounters. Her love knows no bounds, extending to everyone she meets and everything she appreciates. Her heart brims with gratitude for the journey she's traversed, and for all who've accompanied her along the way.This quality serves as a prerequisite for the intertwined threads of Fate, driving her strength to remarkable proportions. Also known as Dynamis, or her key power as a Dark Knight.Na'na's radiance would shine for you. In a realm where our existence demands we discover strength within, for her. It is far more important to recognize the power that resides in those around us. If she, as a mirror of your persona, stands close yet slightly distant. The irony lies then, in her illumination during your bleakest moments. This glow isn't for her own sake - it never was. Rather, it's intended gaze is meant for those to see her and ignite the flame of vitality within your own heart.If a Knight can Reach the Stars, then she already has.

if a KNight can Reach the Stars, then she already has.

As light and shadow. The sun and the moon. Torn between love and hate. I've gotta get it somehow ― Light & Shadow

height 5'3.
weight 180 LBS.
build Curvaceous.
complexion Even tan color.
hair length To her waist.
hair color A dark black to blue color, with gold stripes of hair.
eye color Golden like ambers, glimmering much like stars.
scarringAS WOL ONLY: Link.
modifications None.
other features Two birth Marks on her face.
scent A mix of slight perfume with a natural cleanly scent, it comes from her hair mostly.
clothing style She prefers tight fitted, long dresses.

#* *summary.

WARNINGThemes present in story section are; noncon, manipulation, abuse, CSA,,,,

Na'na Niall's naming had a whimsical origin. By chance, her father overheard a Kugane merchant utter a word in his tongue that captivated him. For whatever reason. It was then in his whimsical manner, belovingly adoring cultures outside of his own. That this name upon her was given as an act of tomfoolery, but love none-the-less. When addressing her, it's vital to pronounce it as "Na'na" or "Nana," never simply "Na." Nana is frequently aware of mistakes happening with her name, and it is acceptably cannon to mess it up! It's funny. Relatable even.

Her father, a male miqo’te named Na'Niall, played a pivotal role in the prosperity of the Na clan. Facilitating commerce by trading their bountiful hunts and exquisite furs with affluent individuals withinin Ishgard. This clan's history stretches back through the centuries, existing in the distant past when the Elezen people initially arrived in Coerthas. In those times, the N tribe harbored an aversion to the newcomers upon their Greenland, perceiving them as encroachers coming to take over their lands. Conversely, the Na tribe harbored a desire to collaborate and coexist, seeking to weave their way of life into the fabric of not only the Elezen community but also the Sharlayans when they too, had come.Overall they were still nomadic in nature, and roamed the lands often from Coethras, to the Thanalans. Openly trading with Ul'dah furthering their merchant desires and cultural exchanges.when her father stepped up as Nunh, it was due to his expertise and knowledge of Isghard. having a deep grasp of their societal culture, as well as studying the ironworks there. He had caught the attention of many eyes, but in particular a potential suitor who wished to enter in a monogamous relationship with him.Na'Niall had been an ideal fit to set up deeper relations within ishgard. Ultimately after only reigning his title of Nunh for only 4 years, he wedded a woman within the Foundation. Taking his two daughters with him, one of them had been Na'na.Elena, the woman whom her father Na'niall wedded, exhibited a stark dichotomy in her treatment of the two Mi'qote girls when he was or wasn't present. In his presence, she presented a facade of hospitality; however, during his prolonged absences for work. A different demeanor emerged. At such times, she callously relegated them to the outdoors or consigned them to kitchen duties alongside the servants.For the two children, this treatment came to be regarded as a sort of grim normalcy. Amid this unsettling circumstances, an unrelenting ache festered within the girls hearts. They mourned to be returned to their distant homes and deeply missed mother in Coerthas. As Na'na's defiant nature began to flourish here, she found herself assuming the role of protector for her sister, prioritizing her well-being over her own.Inevitably, their father was compelled to make a pivotal choice, although he was hesitant and reluctant. He inevitably resolved to send his children back to their Coethras.During her time in Coethras Nana fell in love with the Chilvary of Knights, and fantasized wholly of them. Due to this adoration, she had ultimately and most unfortunately became preyed upon in her times exploring the lower levels of the Foundation.This was not resolved until she met him again in the Dark Knight Quest, where her deliverance upon this man ended in his death, for he had almost enacted upon a girl what he had done to her.Moreover, during her walk of "shame" on her return to Coerthas, she walked across The Steps of Faith. Nana managed to elude the watchful eyes of the knights escorting her. In a fleeting instant, as she stood on the bridge contemplating a daring leap, emotions surging far too strongly within her. Just before she could take that step, a young man intervened, none other then Frey himself. Young as he were, reminded her. Placing the young Na'na back onto the bridge, facing her where she needed to go. That there would come a time, where even she could face the world, ready.

Residing once more among her people, Na'na as a child began to experience once again a sense of completeness. At the same time, as she held fast to this newfound wholeness. An ominous foreboding cast its shadow not only over her, but over her entire community. Inevitably, the long-feared catastrophe finally descended. Despite the reputation of her people as skilled nomads, adept at navigating the vast landscapes of Coerthas. Even for them, when the Dalamud fell, none could have foreseen the magnitude of what was to unfold.As the world around them began to fall, she gazed up at the sky, and her heart swelled with an ache she couldn't comprehend. The words of the young man echoing in her mind, There will come a time, where even she could face the world, ready."I am ready." She answered, pleaded, begged - if it mean't that she could stop this.This young girl, unaware of the trials that would now come to shape her, found herself fervently pleading with the universe to listen to her. She implored, willing to offer herself, body and soul, if only it meant ensuring the safety of all those around her. An earnest and pure most innocent longing, a heartfelt desire to shield and safeguard those in need.so then she was answered; the stars that lit across the sky, falling down around them and a song that seemed to whisper unto her: hear.... feel.... think....

Many of her people had escaped from Coethras. Those that did either merged with the N tribe, or found sanctuary within Ul'dah. Nana had been of the people who came to Ul'dah.

I break here to add in this segment.
are present here. It is not necessary to read,
and is an optional.
To read, you must highlight.

I will present this part quickly; there are a few core things that happened within Ul'dah in Nana's life.Twice, she found herself exploited by men in positions of power, leaving her with lingering mental scars. Consequently, she harbors a deep-seated distrust for male figures who wield authority. Should your male character exude any sense of dominance to them. Nana will often instinctively react with aversion. Often confronting them, or resort to challenging them whenever applicable.One instance had been as stated before. Within Ishgard.The other had been in Ul'dah.... After the calamity threw their community into disarray and prompted significant changes. With their clan clearly fragmented, and Na'na's mother, already caring for three children of her own. She took in two others. Ultimately stretching their family's resources to the limit. The weight of these circumstances overwhelmed her mother, and the family more often then not, struggled to make ends meet.In this challenging time, her mother formed a reliance on a Tia. He presented himself as unruly in front of the children but played the part of kindness when Na’na’s mother was present. Much like Elena had before, but far worse had been his treatment. Including explicit contact with Nana specifically, as she was the oldest of the children. It wasn't long before, for other unrelated issues. That her mother began to see this Tia as being a malevolent man. Inevitably, she swiftly removed him from their lives, unaware of the torment her children endured fully at his hands. Those painful secrets would forever remain within Na’na, a burden she would carry to her grave.

As a young teenager, venturing into the workforce around the age of 16, she found herself with limited alternatives. Having already experienced significant hardships, particularly in her interactions with men, Nana regrettably gained a realization that her body held a certain allure. In the midst of this complex environment, she began to perceive it as a sort of conventional acceptance and started utilizing it to her advantage.Thus, she entered courtesan work. Desperate to garner funds for her family and mother. This was managed mostly unbeknownst to her own mother knowing. until she was of age, wherein she revealed her current occupation.

Living in Ul'dah was different from ishgard, and far more different from her life within coethras. however, with so many people who struggled just like her own family. there was this established sense of community, especially among those who suffered the same fates as each other. this developed a strong bond between those who lost everything within the now melting pot that was Ul'dah.Her mother, Na'Aracely, extended her care to two other girls from a Moon Miqo'te tribe. These were individuals not originally of their own clan, but known to them from Coerthas. They had close ties with Na clan previously, and as such when the Dalamud fell. Her mother could not turn them away when they had nothing left. these additions enlarged their family, to a total of seven members. This expansion brought both challenges and shared responsibilities, straining their ability to provide proper care.Yet, Na'Aracely remained unyielding, her determination akin to Azeyma herself. She toiled tirelessly, working multiple jobs for countless hours, often entrusting the children to look after one another or seeking assistance from their neighbors.This community that they were apart of now had become large. It reflected a mix of various moon and sun tribes, all united in their pursuit to make ends meet after the Dalamud's fall.Within a sector of Ul'dah, these Miqo'te supported one another. Despite many of them not sharing a same roof, they all allowed one another within each others homes. Multiple houses often shared numeral residencies, fostering a sense of camaraderie where each neighbor was intimately acquainted with the next. They readily exchanged meals, celebrated collective achievements, and sometimes pooled their resources together. This collaborative effort ensured that none among them would bear the brunt of the calamity's impact in isolation.Truly, the Mi'qote people shined utterly here the most.

Rather than individual celebrations for their respective clan's totem guardians, they often united to honor their common ancestors and guardians. The sun deity Azeyma and the chosen protectors would bless them across all seasons. The sun Miqo'te of Ul'dah formed a tight-knit community during their festive periods, inaugurating lively events on each equinox.
After the initial year, these gatherings evolved into an unexpectedly resounding success within their community. The Sun Mi'qote tribe found themselves sharing these celebrations not only amongst themselves, but also extending the joyous spirit to other races who would now visit during these fesitivities. This unique tradition not only brought a different stream of income, but also unearthed a profound sense of joy that their people hadn't realized they were missing.
It was during this period that Na'na's patron deity became aligned with Menphina. Pouring her admiration of the sun, into a power of love that she channeled for everyone though Menphina's grace.This shift in life's pace brought numerous positive changes for Na'na. However, even amidst the uplifting transformations - especially one after the other. living within Ul'dah remained a challenge for her. especially as time went on, and she continued to lose more and more of who she was.Her work as a couretsan was something she often felt proud over, primarily because most of her work featured her individual time with others intimately, but not just in a sexual sense. more often then not, Nana could be found in the company of those burdened by loss, individuals seeking solace from the cruelty of solitude, or valiant warriors yearning for an end to conflicts. her nights were full of sadness, and her heart contended with ailing it - even if it meant using her body.However, it was challenging for her to continue like this.'Is life meant to be this mere exchange? Am I destined to be nothing but what others take from me?' These thoughts gnawed at her developing consciousness, pushing her to a sort of breaking point.Nana inevitably confided in the proprietor of her establishment, a person who had long recognized Nana's need for a different path. While her role as a courtesan had its allure, it was evident that her heart wasn't truly in it - even in the beginning. With compassion and genuine concern, he offered his support and guidance, recognizing her potential for something greater.With his encouragement, the support and love of her family, and a calling that seemed to pull at her heart. This friend steered her toward the path of becoming a conjurer.Thus began her journey as an adventurer, and the first chapter of her story truly began as a Warrior of Light.

I would like to eventually individually write every thing she went through that was particular for her in the story... Thats insane, but good for me. but also - one day.

Blooming wildflower. I beg you, please tell me - Why do people fight and hurt each other? ― Euterpe

powers and abilities.

Dark Knight with her emotions she is rather powerful as a dark knight.Astrologian although she has the ability to read the astral aether and geomancy of the stars/the planets. It is in her ability to understand the cards, and her intuition that makes her a powerful astrologian. the mathematical portions of being an astrologist often pass her by. yet she is still intuitive and able to correctly call out moments in which those around her need to be imbued correctly.like most astrologians - but especially with her being a warrior of light. it is not only that she can control certain moments of time - but also ASCERTAINS what happens in any given moment. according to her selection - think Portent from DnD.Echo Her echo ability materializes in her being positioned where her presence is required, resembling a concept akin to luck. While luck entails life working in one's favor, her echo doesn't revolve around her own fortune, but rather influences the fortune of others around her. In essence, she cannot just simply show up to the Goldsaucer and win the lottery on her own. Though, if you needed her and genuinely felt you could win... With her there - you actually could.A better example in explaining this, is that with every quest we take in the game. we know exactly where to go. The locations often time even sparkle for us. that's her echo manifesting - if you need her and need something done. she can appear, be able to find it with absolute ease, and take care of it for you.It functions because: 1. a need of her 2. because of your need then equates to, you being lucky she was there exactly when you needed her to be. the echo responds to necessity, as opposed to wants.That said - there is a particular trait to this that is EXTREMELY important to note. As the story progresses, the need for the warrior of light continues. gradually increasing more and more. inevitably it becomes a sort of grid lock with this echo. her - versus what the world needs, and then her luck being activated from it.this odd necessity of her echo, ends up with this clause, per se - so long as the world needs her. she cannot effectively get out of helping someone with that need.So long as she continues as the warrior of light and the world needs them, she cannot stop being the warrior of light.
In this manner, it transforms into more of a curse. At a certain juncture, Nana even bemoans her ability to discern how her Echo works. Eventually, she harbors a longing for death (end of Heavensward into Shadowbringers). It is during this period when she encounters Zenos, who swiftly comprehends the situation at hand. It is at this point he begins genuinely beliving he can provide her with this demise she seeks. Zenos takes on this want, believing he can fulfill her wish, coming off as someone who appears to be the only one who truly comprehends her. Not to divulge here, he both hates that about her and finds it compelling.
Her echo also works as par utilized in FFXIV, with flashbacks and memories!















Fate, time, they're mutually incompatible. Even in this desperate situation, tomorrow still exists. Only the petals scattered on the ground are lеft there, but I'm still looking for the flowеrs' scent. The real, first intention in my heart, I'll keep believing in it - but why did I write a poem called "Save me", then? Like spinning a thread I've made. The bond between you and I, laughing here. I've always loved that song called "The past" Maybe it'll become the future beyond this moment ― Eleventh-hour · EGOIST

When needed the most.

Foreigner FATE GRAND ORDER. Open for Roleplay.

t a g ❖⦙⦙ ❝ 𝐅𝐆𝐎 ⅋ Foreigner ❞


Song inspiration Stand by Me . florencemachine link.

the weight of the world.

Master FATE TYPE MOOn. Open for Roleplay.

t a g ❖⦙⦙ ❝ 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ⅋ the weight of the world ❞

Kiritsugu/Elza Saijo energy, a wish to save a world full of conflict - the world from collapsing. even if it means she will have to give her life for it.

Song inspiration the weight of the world · Keiichi Okabe · J'Nique Nicole. link.


Echo Knight ** Dungeons and Dragon**. Open for roleplay.

t a g ❖⦙⦙ ❝ 𝐃&𝐃 ⅋ Echo Knight ❞


Song inspiration 衝撃 · Yuko Ando. link.

additional Song inspiration Gravity · 坂本  真綾. link.

Continue the endless journey.

another traveler Genshin Impact. open for roleplay.

t a g ❖⦙⦙ ❝ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 ⅋ The 5th ❞


Song inspiration すずめ feat.十明 · RADWIMPS. link.

into the unknown.

Cryo Catalyst Genshin Impact. open for roleplay.

t a g ❖⦙⦙ ❝ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 ⅋ Moirae ❞


Song inspiration NIGHT RUNNING · Shin Sakiura. link.



Want to find the reason why we have to cry, the buildings falling down and no one's there to save us Gonna find the answer. How to clear this up, you made these crazy worlds I'm stuck between the two. Want to find a reason why my friends all died The magic and machines!! They stopped and the virus set in Find a good solution, How to fix this up - You made these crazy worlds I'm stuck between the two ― Layers

#* *warrior of light.

Relationship Status Married to G'raha tia.
Currently Located Within old sharlayan.
Current Occupation Students of Baldesion secretary and sometimes warrior of light when needed.
side gig As a tailor herself, she likes to help tataru when she is allowed and can.
housing situation Currently living with Ameliance to Fourchenault's dismay.

As Warrior Of Light the listed relationships are how they are interpreted in her story. When roleplaying with other NPC's however, especially if the mun in question is someone I do not know. I default everything to reforming into merely a platonic relationship. When roleplaying with another who holds an intimate relationship with G'raha, I will default with your own WoL or character as being G'raha's significant other.

⠀⠀ ⠀
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*Who we are? How far we've gone? Let us heal the misery. And plant the seed we ever promised * ― Oath Oracle

G'raha Tiapending
Krile Mayer Baldesionpending
Tataru Tarupending
Y'shtola Rhulpending
Thancred Waterspending

My Dearly Beloved Be strong, I shall be there. Always here beside you ― Dearly Beloved

in depth look.